Trip with Bronica SQ-AI + Lomography 800

Another day, another blogpost, lets see how long I can hold that up that pace. But that’s ok, I write this because I love taking pictures of any kind, and I like experimenting with many different kinds of camera gear, cause I’m a G.A.S driven nerd! I love both the tools and the output, and in my world that goes fine hand in hand.

This “pretty” plant is called “Nordjyllands Værket” located at the coast of “Limfjorden” in the northern part of Jutland, Denmark. Its the local power/heating plant, combined running mostly on coal ;( , and its the main theme of this little photo excursion.

Below you will find a collection of pictures from the day. All taken with the Bronica and Lomography 800.

Learnings: I have not tried the 120 version in tungsten light, but the 35mm version gets a greenish cast, that I find rather cool, but absolutely not natural colors. Another thing to watch out for is light leaks with this film, you really have to roll it up tight when you are done, and keep it in a dark place to avoid them.

I quite like the muted colorcast and the nice controlled grain, and details are pretty good. Its not as good as Portra 400/800 or Fujis pro series, but its nice with a highspeed film that is actually affordable. If you can get it that is, its sold out everywhere I have access to.

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A summer town in winter + a lot of cameras :)

This gallery contains 29 photos.

Talk about a day, where things go, not really as intended. Sitting here a Saturday evening in March, scanning negatives from January, cause things in analog photography takes the time it takes, enjoying a cold beer, and remembering a special … Continue reading

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Analogue trip to “The Horse shoe”

Finally got some pictures developed from a small excursion to a place named as in the head line, “The Horse shoe” i have no idea why its called that. But its a small weird place, nudged in between large power plant across the water, and large industry on both side. Its located on the coast of the “Limjord” in the nothern part of Denmark, near my hometown of Aalborg.

But its a small piece of nature in between all the industrial ugliness where people can access a small beach with good swimming possibilities. There is even an official snorkel lane, under the water. There is a lot of both small cottages, and great modern looking summerhouses in a small cluster of house in the middle.

Pictures are from January i think, just got them scanned now, but there is no exif with film 🙂 But its shot on Spotmatic f + Fujifilm Superia 400 home scanned on Epson V550

Posted in Analog, Fuji Superia 400, Photography, Spotmatic F | Leave a comment

Morning Light in Covid-19 times

Its a weird world these days, and for +2 weeks i have been working from home, im lucky i can ! I usually pendle around 3 hours a day. But these days i have time to go out in the morning before work, and enjoy the insanely good light and weather we have been blessed with after a long wet and gray winter. So there some small good things about it. Stay safe !

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Pushed Portra 400 look on Fuji files

I love the look you get from Portra 400 when you overexpose it a stop or so on a sunny day, i love the slightly washed out colors, and the overall look, but its hard to acquire the film, and its damn expensive! So i have been experimenting in Lightroom to get that look on my fuji files (X100F, X-T2, X-Pro1), which are my all time favorite digital cameras. This is the first time i actually succeeded, well at least in my own opinion. Still waiting for a roll of the “real” stuff to compare. But its on the way, but until then i glad for my digital “fall back” solution,

The pictures are all taken in my hometown of Aalborg, Denmark, few people around in these corona days, as it should be. Stay safe, and keep your distance.

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