A week back i needed something to for for a grey and rainy November weekend, and as many times before i had a walking agreement with a good friend. Luck has it, that he is working for Region Nord, which is the public institution, that runs the Hospitals, in the northern part of Denmark where i live, and he offered to show me some of the long tunnels beneath the hospitals, many of which was build many years ago.
Before i got to the hospital, i managed a few street photos, in the grey day day with a very flat and boring light.

I arrived at the first hospital, where i meet up with my friend at the main entrance of the hospital, called Sygehus (Danish for hospital) Nord. Its an old hospital, that actually has been sold, but is still active, as the newly build hospital, is several years delayed. So we descend to the basement 🙂

Just noticing the cellphone not allowed, you can see its not a never cellphone ! :), but the hospital is way older than cellphones! As you will probably see by the later pictures. I dont know why, but i have always been impressed with the long hallways of hospitals, there is something fascinating and scary about them at the same time.

The first part we visited, was the locker rooms for the staff on a sideway to the long passages under ground, and it still reminds me of old pictures from the 70ties, but it has a nice vibe to it in someway.

The halls are full of old equipment, thats to old to use, and to new to throw out as it might be needed in a emergency if newer stuff breaks down, and probably also a lot of stuff, that already should have been thrown out, seems like all the old computer stuffs turns beige with age, or maybe that was just the color scheme of those days.

Next stop was under the old old blood donation bank, with all the scary red light coming up from the basement, quite an impressive old place, i had to use the wide angle on my phone for that shot, since my 23mm on my Fuji was simply not wide enough.

We finished at another hospital in town, which as the pictures shows, is of a little bit newer date, and the tunnels were insanely long. The pictures with all the clothes, is behind the scenes on a vending machine for where staff goes to get their clothes for the workday.
And thus our hospital journey ended, and we went to grab some food ! 🙂