Talk about a day, where things go, not really as intended. Sitting here a Saturday evening in March, scanning negatives from January, cause things in analog photography takes the time it takes, enjoying a cold beer, and remembering a special day, as you do when you get your photo memories developed.

This was one day, I will remember for quite some time, cause a lot of things did not go totally as expected, but the main lesson is, always bring more cameras, and bring a sturdy backpack!
On a cold and windy day in January, but sunny! The sun has been a very limited and rationed thing this winter, mostly flat gray light, and a whole lot of rain, not a single day with snow 🙁 Guessing that global warming really is a thing. Well long story short, sun was shining, quickly arranged a photo trip to Løkken, which is a bathing town, at the west coast of Denmark way up north in Jutland. Its super popular in the summer, with a lot of people on the beach, but here in winter, not much is happening. But still awesome nature, so me and a photo friend grabbed some gear and headed north to make the most of the sun. Approx. 45 minute drive from my hometown of Aalborg.

I packed 3 cameras for the trip, cause I can ! 🙂 1 Film Medium format Bronica SQ-AI with a 150mm lens, One Film Pentax Espio 115 point and shoot and one digital Fujifilm X-pro1 with a 18-135mm lens. It was a windy day, and I really wanted to get some shots of waves hitting the pier if possible, on my Bronica.
We got up there, it was windy, cold, but there was light ohh joy ! 🙂 I just wanted to do some test shots on the beach with the Bronica. I got it out of the bag, put it on my small manfrotto pixi tripod and lined up for some great shots…..Advanced the film, removed the dark slide, that i always forget…. Press the shutter.. Which DID NOT say the usual ..CLONK..SOUND :). And it was stuck, could not get it working again with no tools. I really love the pictures from that camera, but its not my most stable camera….
Well as the professional amateur I am, I still had two cameras. My Point and Shoot Espio 115 loaded up with Lomography 100, and My X-Pro1.
I had the X-Pro1 in hand, and the rest in my beloved Peak Design backpack. We went out to the pier, you can see in the pictures below, and it was real wet, and as I found out, very slippery also. I was walking on the elevated concrete, trying to get some nice wave shots. Out at the end I jumped down to the pier, and instantly slipped on super slippery algae covered pier, banging my tailbone directly in to the concrete, smashing the lens hood on my 18-135, and covering the X-Pro1 in salty wet sand. But the lens hood took the brute of the blow together with my tailbone, and the Peak Design back pack, which prevented my head from hammering into the concrete, so I actually think my bag, saved my life, how many can say that about their backpack!

The good thing is that here almost 2 months later, I can hardly feel it anymore, but that took a while!
Now there was 1 camera left! My Crappy Point and Shoot Espio, loaded with Lomography 100. So the majority of the pictures (the first 16)(Last ones from the X-Pro1) is from that backup camera, which ended up being my main camera for the day.
I really like the color rendition that the Lomography 100 provides, it is a cheap film, but I actually like the the result quite a lot, I have some more scans to do, where I shot the film on a Nikon F4. I looking forward to comparing the quality, and see how much the camera/lens affects the picture.
That was the tale(Plus one tail 😉 ) of 3 cameras in Løkken ! Always bring more cameras! The story has a happy ending and all cameras are working fine again!
Always good with some “frisk luft” 🙂
Præcis 🙂