Vestre fjordpark on X-Pro1 and X100f

Vestre fjordpark, or the old new name “Friluftsbadet” which means something like free air bath. Right now its almost drained on seawater, while getting cleaned for the new season. The area is a iconic part of Aalborgs history, where many daredevils took the first step onto the awe inspiring 10 meter jump, both legal at at day, and illegal at night.

It all started in 1930, where some sand was pumped out into the “Limfjord”, and some floating bathing bridges, a restaurant and some ice cream sale was established as recreation for the common people of Aalborg. The area was called poor mans Blokhus (A popular bathing town on the northwest coast of Denmark). Just before world war 2, some new piers was planned, and a filter system, to separate out the pretty polluted water of the Limjord, from the bathing facilities. That plan was stopped by the war.

During the war, the area was used as an airfield by the Germans, and runways, and a lots of bunkers was established in the area, which are most still there. Rumor has it, they tried to demolish a bunker with explosives, but after the explosion, the bunker still stood fine, but there were no whole windows left in the neighborhood, so they are still here just covered by sand and dirt. There is a single hangar left, and a small area around it, which now houses Aalborg Defence- and Garrison museum. I’ll do a post from there another day.

In 1947 the “Friluftsbadet” was finally initiated, and has been in use ever since, and has been through several renovations, the latest in 2017. And these days the Limjord is clean again, and you are able to take a swim directly in fjord. Which a lot of winter bathers do. Visiting in the summer or winter time, there is always time for a swim.

Vestre fjordby

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Fjordbyen on X-Pro1 and X100f

If you ever find your self in Aalborg, in the northern part of Jutland, you should do yourself the favor and visit “Fjordbyen”. Its a funny little place, where there is room for everybody. Its a small gathering of small home build cottages, where the only rule is, if you can agree with your neighbor, you can build it. That rule has resulted in some truly spectacular buildings. Its a place where there is room for everyone. Enjoy and stay safe!

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A walk through Aalborg with X-Pro1

Sometimes its just time for a quiet walk through town. There is no theme or project, just a bunch of pictures i liked 🙂 And some times that is plenty for a blog post. Was just sitting here thinking about photo projects… Haven’t really done any of of those yet, still struggling to find a subject that i actually find worthy of a project, or at least can keep me interested for some amount of time. So until then, here is a bunch of pictures that i find appealing !

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Morning after the storm in Nørresundby with X-100f

Just a quick stroll through the corona empty city where i live. The night before there was a big storm, and as you can see on the waves, it has not totally died down yet. So strong wind, and fantastic morning light, made for a good start on the day. A good beginning before working from home in these corona days.

A small but positive outcome from corona is not spending 2 1/2 – 3 hours commuting pr. day. Stay safe out there.

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Feeling blue with X-Pro1

There is just something about cyan blue that I really really like. This is the entrance to a parking lot in Aalborg, Denmark. Under the “house of music”, a local culture hotspot. I love how the old X-Pro1 renders absolutely gorgeous fuji colors! and sometimes that’s just enough for a small blogpost. Enjoy

Shot I Aalborg, Denmark on the Fujifilm X-Pro1 with a Fujinon 35mmf2 lens.

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