Danish summer, and an old Bronica SQ-A

Recently i was on a Photo trip, with a bunch of Fuji people (I shoot Digital Fuji) to the southernmost part of Denmark called Falster, and in classic danish style, it RAINED a lot. But I love the look of the of that medium format film 🙂 The girl who arranged the photo trip, generously allowed us to take pictures in her house and garden, while we sheltered from the rain.

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Photo walk in Hirtshals Part 1

A couple of weeks ago, I took a photo trip the the town of Hirtshals in the Northern part of Denmark with my good friend Bogdan. Hirtshals is known for fishing boats and ferries to Norway. But I never really took a walk around town there. So after a small search on google we found a nice 12km walk that took us around the town. I was shooting on my trusty Nikon F4s + 50mm, and had loaded some Fomapan 100 for the first post here.

First pictures are from the harbor areas, which is very industrial, not that exiting to walk in, but part of the route, so we walked it, and got some nice industrial pictures.

Lets admit it, part 2, which I will post later, is the scenic route ! But i really like the black and white film is these industrial settings. It kinda fits the theme 🙂

After the harbor, we reached an area still at the coast, with some old bunkers from World war 2. Those things were build to last, and there is a lot of them along the Danish west coats. And a little Hirtshals life at the local inn, and some random shots around town.

I actually think, that Fomapan 100 is my favorite B&W Budget movie, I like the ok fine grain, and some nice contrast (These have been boosted a little in post, as I overexposed a little to much) (I really dislike Fomapan 400, way to grainy for my taste) Have a great day, and stay safe

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Foggy mornings on film

Thank you to my friend @Kaare Bak, who just did his piece on foggy mornings which you can see right here, it motivated me to write this small blogpost.

Autumn has arrived, and when you live close to the harbour, like i do. Some wonderful mornings are here. FOG mornings. First you wake up a bit early and look out the window, and see this. Sun is up, and the delicious fog is in the air.

View from my house, the grand old tree is from the local priest house.

You jump into your trousers, grap your camera, which i hope was the Leicaflex, but it might have been the Olympus MJU 2, not super sure. Scanned the film today, with a lot of other films, and my note taking skills seems to be lacking :). I like taking pictures, not notes ! 🙂

Im really not a morning person, i keep telling myself that, even though it wake up earlier and earlier each year. But such a morning is just a magic moment, the town is almost quiet, the light is fantastic, this is really mother nature showing her good side. And then you arrive at the water front, where you enter a fairy tale world of magic and light. Then i start believing in magic!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures, cya next time

Leicaflex + 50mm Summicron(I Hope :)) + Kodak 200 homescanned in Epson V550.

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Roadtrip pictures with the Olympus MJU II + some Mobile :)

In late June i was on a road trip to a little photo walk arranged by some good people from the danish Fuji Group on Facebook( I shot analog and Henrik Shot Nikon, we just like pictures :)) . Next post will be about the photo walk itself.

But this is a short resume of how we got there. Me and the good Henrik you see in the pictures took the long scenic route down through Denmark, while the rain poured down all the way.

Around evening time, the hunger started gnawing, and Henrik found the perfect place for a First stop. We wanted a good old road Inn and we found it on Bregninge Kro (Kro means Inn in danish). Excellent place, that has not been renovated since the 80…. 🙂 It was a total trip down Memory lane on hows Inns used to look, no fast food! but Cheap food, and plenty of it, if you enjoy the original danish food, thats a little on the traditional side 🙂 The last picture is the danish National Course, “Stegt Flæsk and Persillesovs”

Next stop on the Road trip was in “Spodsbjerg” a little ferry town on “Langeland”, where we had to spend some time waiting for a ferry on a gray and rainy day. Me and Henrik went a little crazy when we saw the colorful fish boxes on that gray day 🙂 We had a blast, and i really love how the little Mju2 handled everything, its weather sealed, and i really dig how the the colors of the Lomo 400 film turned out in that gray dim light.

Last step on the road trip was the ferry to “Lolland”, we could have taken the fast highway, but this was slow and authentic, and i loved every minute of it 🙂

I love the Olympus MJU 2 as a b-cam ! 🙂 Stay safe out there !

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A tale of Leica and wine

Recently i was out with a good photo buddy of mine, who you can find here http://www.kaarebak.dk/ amazing photographer!

And as all good days, it starts with wine. Just kidding 🙂 But i was allowed to take some photos at https://quistwine.dk/ where Kim(The Owner) treated us to some small tasting of some fantastic wines, and yes i bought a case :). Its a great place, with some unique wines they import themselves (he and his wife), and the passion just shines through, he loves what he is doing. I love when you can feel that ! I love photography and cloud computing ! 🙂

We were supposed to shoot a lot more that day, but ended up spending a good amount of time, tasting some fantastic wine.

Shot on Leicaflex SL+ 50 Summicron + 90 Elmarit

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